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Home > Keenz FAQs > Product Information > Keenz XC and XC+ Wagons: How to Open and Close
Keenz XC and XC+ Wagons: How to Open and Close
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If you have questions about how to properly open and close your Keenz XC or XC+ wagon, you're in the right place. Our step-by-step tutorial will provide you with all the information you need to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience with your wagon.

How to Open Your Keenz XC or XC+ Wagon:

  1. Start with the wagon in its folded state, with the handle folded down.
  2. Locate the latches on the sides of the wagon and unlock them by pulling the latch up and away from the hook.
  3. Your Keenz XC or XC+ wagon is now fully open and ready for use!

(You can now extend either handle or add the canopy, if desired)

How to Close Your Keenz XC or XC+ Wagon:

  1. Start with the wagon in its fully assembled state. 
  2. Press the buttons on both sides of the handle to fold it down flush with the wagon.
  3. Pull up on the buttons in the middle of the wagon frame. 
  4. Pull up and then pull the wagon sides to the center until the latch engages.
  5. Your Keenz XC or XC+ wagon is now folded and ready for storage or transportation!

Important Tips for Opening and Closing Your Keenz XC or XC+ Wagon:

  • Follow the instructions in the user manual provided with your wagon for additional guidance and safety precautions.
  • Practice opening and closing the wagon a few times before using it with your child to become familiar with the process.
  • Avoid using excessive force when opening or closing the wagon to prevent any damage.


We hope this tutorial has been helpful in guiding you through the process of opening and closing your Keenz XC or XC+ wagon. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support team for further assistance.


In addition to the above, we have a video to share of the opening and closing process for the wagon frame. You can watch here:


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