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Showing articles from 7S 2.0 tag

Does the 7S 2.0 have a footwell?

## Does the 7S 2.0 have a footwell? No, the 7S 2.0 has a flat bottom. See the image below of a 5 and 3-year-old seated inside an original 7S, which has the same interior. ![][1] [1]:…

Comparing the XC and 7S 2.0

Are you trying to decide between the Keenz [7S 2.0 - 2 Passenger][1] and [XC - 2 Passenger][2] Stroller Wagon models? ![][3] The 7S 2.0 is designed for children 12 months and up. The XC is designed for infants 6 months. Both models offer: * removable canopy with built-in side panels * XC features mesh and …

Keenz 7S 2.0 Wagon Manual

[Keenz 7S 2.0 Wagon Manual][1] [1]:

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